Sunday, May 9, 2010

Your family may not find this impressive

I started my day out a little rough this morning, I'm not going to lie. I know I make this life I lead seem very exciting and glamorous, but I do admit, even I, start wondering if this is the way to live at 35. Don't worry, I'm not giving up on this dream, just sometimes it can cause a slight emotional breakdown. That may have happened to me yesterday. Some interesting facts surfaced yesterday afternoon about me being an asshole, and I couldn't disagree.

I had to deal with this some way, and get off the couch. I already had plans for later that evening with some friends to watch the Betty White SNL (side note, best show ever). I knew drinking would most likely occur, so I chose to walk there. It was only five miles. Plus it gave me time to be alone with my iPod and fill my ears with songs that made me feel really bad about myself.

Looking back on it, probably not the best state of mind to drink a half a bottle of vodka on. Nonetheless I did. This in turn caused me to stage a mass exodus from the party. Not sure exactly what triggered this, oh wait. Yes I do. Sky Vodka. When I am thinking about this moment this morning, I fear that I may never be able to face these people again, which means I may have lost one of my couches in LA.

After sneaking out the backdoor, I proceeded to get into a cab with a very unfriendly driver. Well, I was in no mood for this, so I made him pull over and let me out, but not before I told him he was not a nice person, which I am sure was very effective coming from some hot mess. I then transfered to a cab with a much more caring driver. Yes, I realize now, it is pretty bad when you are seeking the comfort of a cab driver to make you feel better. I also know that I have been spending way too much money on cabs these days. Thank God Tim was able to transfer me that $9 this morning to cover that bill.

Anyway, all of these elements combined have made for a rough mother's day. So when I made my mother's day phone calls this morning, and was asked by everyone in the family if I had found a place to live yet, it was maybe a little embarrassing and awkward. To clarify, I think when my mom asked me "Are you still sleeping with Tim?" was the awkward part. Especially since the answer was yes.

The other awkward part of this conversation was my mom sharing with me she gave my grandma a bath yesterday. These are facts that I just don't need to know. I understand that it is a part of life, but I was raised an Irish Catholic, which means denial is not just a state of mind, it is a way of life. I responded by informing her she needed to start looking for places that will do that for her when she is 90, because I will not. Hopefully wherever that place is, there are couches. I know, kind of an asshole thing, especially on mother's day, but we already established that in the first paragraph here, keep up.

Plus, my mom knows I don't even have an address, I doubt she is banking on me to take care of her. Thank God she has my sisters. I don't think she would like sleeping in between Tim and I.


1 comment:

  1. Ha! Tell your mom that with all the money you'll be saving by couch surfing that she can have professional bathers daily!
