Wednesday, May 5, 2010

When couch surfing and sleep deprivation collide

I was sitting here this morning having coffee with one of my couch owners, listening to some adult contemporary,(John Denver's "Annie's Song"to be precise) and it occurred to me, I haven't added anything to my enthralling blog as of late.
As mentioned in my last entry, this lifestyle requires a lot of traveling, with all this traveling and no place to really be settled, sleep deprivation has been known to happen. Usually I can power through it, sheer will power and caffeine have gotten me through so far, but alas my body finally told me to fuck off. I realized this when I was getting off the plane at LAX, and the following questions went through my head:

1. Where am I?
2. Where is my car?
3. Do I need my car?
4. Where am I going now?

As soon as I answered questions 1-3, I was fine. However, when I realized the answer to question 4 was "work", I nearly lost my shit. This is exactly the point where I realized, I am not allowed to go to San Francisco for some time, I clearly make poor couch surfing decisions, unlike my couch surfing style in LA.

I went up to SF for a reunion with my high school friends, this was a big weekend getaway for them, it was a big weekend for me too because I was going to hang out with them, but not a vacation, it was just my days off. My problem though, is when everyone else is on vacation, I pretend like I am too. So drinking in the middle of the day on my day off is perfectly acceptable. For instance, after being picked up at the airport from one of my favorite couch owner's in SF, we went straight to a bar to have "a drink" while we waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. I must inform you that on Easter weekend, I broke up with Jameson.... we got back together in the 45 minutes we spent in this bar around the corner. So two drinks and two shots later, we proceeded to meet the rest of the gang who were buying wine. Night of debauchery #1.

My other problem is I feel this need to fit in everything I possibly can in a 48 hour period of time, which allows for absolutely no down time. We spent the day wandering around the entire city, and at night we went to The Great American Music Hall to see Joe Rut (if you haven't heard of him yet, you will) perform. We met up with my SF crew here, I love when my home life and California life get to collide. I think it was a successful night, as was featured by the eight text messages I woke up to from one particular "dancin'" friend who was still trying to get them to hang out at 2:30 in the morning. It was non stop, and the next day was exactly the same, except we ended at a karaoke bar giving our own concert.

I will say this though, these girls were totally worth it and I had a blast. They are all doing really well too, homeowners and careers and shit. I felt really good being able to tell them about my life, which was pretty quick, "I make lattes, don't have a place to live, but hey, I have a blog about all of it." This is why I love where I come from, there is no judgement, just excitement for my blog address.

Now usually when I go back to my homeland of San Francisco, I stay with friends, this particular trip the ladies had rented a beautiful apartment in the mission district, so I chipped in to stay with them. Here is the interesting thing though, you know those studies they do about human behaviors and adapting to different environments? Well, even though I had this gorgeous place to stay, I found myself waking up on a friends couch the last night there. It was like I needed it. The comfort of a friends couch. This may have something to do with the confusion I felt when landing in LAX. I am sure it has NOTHING to do with staying out for karaoke too late. Hey, it was therapeutic, I had this inner need to sing Joan Jett's "I Hate Myself For Loving You", it usually happens when I spend some time there.

As you can see, my couch surfing decisions made in SF, not very smart. When I returned to LA though, and somehow got through my work day, I found myself at a friends house, half way between work and home, stumbling in and going right to bed at 5pm. I woke up around 7pm wandering aimlessly in her living room, where she found me and force fed me until approximately 7:15pm. I then asked for permission to go back to bed, because apparently sleep deprivation turns you into a five year old, and slept until 5am to go back to work. I never said this was a proud lifestyle.

I returned to my other couch at approximately 4pm that day, shared my weekend and state of mind with couch owner #2, and went to take a nap. I received a phone call from couch owner #3 , and informed her I would call when I woke up from my nap to see if she wanted to grab dinner or something. When I woke up at 7:30am, I realized that I may have missed dinner. So after two and a half solid days of sleep, here I am. Back to normal, listening to adult contemporary music while drinking coffee.

Moral of the story, my couch surfing habits in San Francisco turn me into a savage. Time to stick with my couches in LA for awhile.

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