Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Couch Surfer New York Edition - Day 1

Now, I feel like I am a very understanding patron. I am aware of my surroundings, and can understand when service may not be the best. From my many years of retail experience (my degree is in film, what the hell else am I supposed to be doing?), my brain is trained to acknowledge staffing issues, technical issues, high maintenance customer issues etc. Therefore, very rarely do I feel justified complaining about personal service I receive. After all, usually it is the person I am dealing with directly who has the least amount of control over the chaos, and is those that you never see who don't have to take the abuse. Therefore I am usually very kind to any employee in a bad situation.

I would not say that I was kind last night. I wouldn't say I was mean either. I would say I was indifferent. This is a huge deal, considering my job requires me to take verbal abuse daily from people, I make a huge effort to be overtly nice to anyone working in the service industry. So let me explain what happened....

I arrived at JFK shortly before 10pm. I had made a hotel reservation at an airport hotel, one which was having a grand opening deal. I thought "perfect", boy was I wrong. I would like to point out now, say what you want about chain hotels, but hey, you know what you are in for with them, this is the last time I book with something "new". It wasn't necessarily gross, but it definitely was not customer based. The rooms were nice, but the work ethic was definitely something to be desired. Here are the top reasons this hotel just basically sucks.

#1. The shuttle from the airport took about an hour to show up. When it did, there were over thirty people waiting for it. I swear it was like watching the survivors if the titanic trying to get into the lifeboats. People were climbing over each other for a seat on this beat up van. The trip from federal circle to the hotel took approximately six minutes, this included time for the driver to slow down while taking multiple phone calls for business opportunities the following day. Why it took an hour to show up, after multiple people, called was a mystery... although I have some suspicions.

#2. When I called from federal circle, and in a very friendly manner asked what the issue was, and warning the desk there were many people waiting, I was told it was my fault for missing the shuttle, because it had already been there twice. Now, I understand lying in the customer service industry, as in "Yes, that raspberry mocha is delicious", because I am sure to people without a predisposition to diabetes, a sugar infused coffee drink covered in whipped cream is quite a delight, not so much for me, but it is my job to sell it. However, in this case, you are basically calling me blind and stupid, and acting as if I didn't notice your beat up van coming to get us... twice. Trust me. No One there could miss that shit.

#3. After finally arriving at the hotel (it is now after 11pm), the hotel bar is blaring the TV and there are some guys at the counter. I thought, thank God, at least I can get a cold beer before bed. Especially with that sandwich board sign out front that read "Come on in! We're Open"... finally, something friendly, a greeting... or was it? When I finally got through the line and checked in to my room, I politely asked the desk clerk, what time the bar was open until. He said it closed at 10. I was very confused by this. There were people in there, a line of people in your lobby, all of whom were upset by your shuttle service, the TV is blaring, yet the bar is not open? I asked if it was a private party (which I planned on crashing if it was) to which the desk clerk said, "no it is just the workers watching the game." Really? You have a mob of tired, stressed, travelers you left stranded at the airport for an hour? Most likely because your shuttle driver probably had a drink with his coworkers before heading back, and you guys aren't even trying to be subtle? At least take down the welcoming sandwich board sign and keep the TV at a level my grandma couldn't hear, which is still pretty fucking loud by the way.

I could go on, but those are the top three reasons. I still remained calm, and did not give anyone a hard time. I will write their corporation about it. To which I will not complain about their employees, but rather their own short cuts to things. Sure, I could also point out there were a pile of dishes outside the door next to mine when I arrived, as well as when I left 24 hours later, the same pile, but I won't.

Shit, at my work, people's heads explode about the coffee stains on the concrete in the street outside the building... from them, spilling... because they move everything around constantly as if it is their own Goddamn living room. Also, they scream at me If I don't have their drink ready in less then two minutes for them. Oh what I would have paid to see a Santa Monican coffee drinker waiting for this shuttle. It just may have brought their privileged asses to tears, and I would have enjoyed watching every moment of it.

That was only thing that made me keep my composure, thinking about how lucky these minimum wage workers were to be dealing with me, instead of what we deal with everyday.
Well, that and the Indian restaurant that delivered beer as well. You bet I ordered Indian food at midnight. With two Heineken's. Best part about this situation... swear to God, the delivery guy that brought me my food.... was the shuttle driver the next day!! See what I mean about short cuts? Don't worry, JFK Plaza will be getting a letter from me... with a link to this blog.

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