Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why settle for one place to live when you can have many?

I am thirty five years old, with a full time job, making decent money. My car is paid off, I am debt free, and I am a couch surfer. Why you may ask? Simply because I live in LA. This translates to, I have commitment issues. Not when it comes to relationships, restaurants, karaoke bars, or alcoholic beverages, but definitely when it comes to Los Angeles.

I recently found myself in a predicament when my former roommates found a dream house they couldn't pass up, and disbanded our dysfunctional family. I always said the only thing keeping me in this pit of despair known as L.A. was the fact that I LOVED our place. It really was ideal for guests, alone time, and basically living as a recluse in Los Angeles. It was heaven. However, I can understand when you find the perfect place, the need to jump at it, so I was fairly understanding of the situation.

Then I saw the house. I am not positive, but I am pretty sure it was the basis for Leatherface's house in Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Fine, there is some charm to it, but honestly, if I have to do an eight point turn to get out of your driveway, it's not an ideal place to visit, much less live. Hey, to each their own though, and I am sure those two will have that place looking like a palatial palace in no time. It will be like the stars and creators of every gay make over show got together for a special episode of "Extreme Makeover Home Edition". Minus the tears, plus rock band and a kegerator.

Lucky for me though, I have been taken in like a modern day Luke Brower, (for those of you who don't get this reference, that was the name of the homeless character Leonardo DiCaprio played on "Growing Pains". I don't know why that is the first reference that came to mind, since he was like eight, but it was). According to the USPS and more importantly, Costco, where I lay my head at night is at the Descanso Towers. For the most part this is true, but let's just call it what it is, parking around here is a bitch, maybe no eight point turns, but it can take awhile to find something anytime after four. Combine this fact with my pure laziness, and you get a suitcase in my trunk ready to crash at whomever house I end up having dinner at that night.

I know what you're thinking, but it is not a ho bag people. I just really hate looking for parking that much. Yep, so much that I pack a carry on whenever I leave the house. Now that I have planted this idea in your head, don't be ashamed when you start doing it.

So this is where I am at now. Starting off my new couch surfing venture in LA. In the past ten days, I have stayed in three different places, in three different cities. I have spooned two different gay men, and I have bought numerous concert tickets and flights with money that would have otherwise gone towards rent or possibly a security deposit, but who has time to find a place to live with all this adventure happening? And why would I just settle for one place when I can have many? Let the adventures begin!


  1. Well Done, Daniel son. Next, you will wash your bed linens by hand. It will test your commitment to couch surfing.

  2. I have the toothpaste you speak of, but truthfully it scares me, too.
