Thursday, April 22, 2010

Some simple rules to the art of Couch Surfing.

I feel I must back track a little bit. If my first entry is powerful enough to inspire others to share in this lifestyle, I think it only fair to share some tips on how to do this successfully.

#1 - Under no circumstances should you be an asshole. Seriously, in order to have a place to crash, people are going to have to want to be around you. Do not go through life treating people like shit and being so uptight that your mere presence is annoying. If you are unfamiliar of what asshole behavior is, I know of a coffee shop on the west side of Los Angeles I could recommend spending a day in people watching, you are guaranteed to see the epitome of such behaviors.

#2 - You can't be high maintenance. Seriously, this is not a lifestyle for anyone. I couldn't see my sisters doing it, they need to do their hair and make up before going to the corner store for milk. I, on the other hand would roll out of bed and go in my pajamas. This type of care free attitude about my appearance was one of many reason I earned the nickname "the son my father never had" from my sisters.

#3 Must love animals. Seriously people, housesitting/pet sitting gigs are like gifts from the heavens when you are in this space, and you have to be sincere. Don't just pretend, because those animals need to LOVE you, and those owners need to want you and ONL Y you to stay in their home.

#4 No pets of your own. See rule #1, you would have to be an asshole to want to subject a poor animal to this. Pets are for people with homes. This is what separates you from that trust fund squatter on haight street.

this last one is a little obvious, but I will say it anyway

#5 Probably not a good idea to be looking for a relationship. I don't think it is going to be too impressive to anyone when you call ahead to a friend to see if you can bring your date over to watch a movie on the couch you sleep on. Might be a deal breaker, so save that relationship hunting and pet owning for when you have a place of your own.

Ok, so those are some basic rules to start with. If you stick with those, you will at least have a good foundation, we will get into more elevated rules later. Now lets talk supplies you will need. Again, simplicity is the key. Do not lug around some huge ass suitcase place to place. A simple carry on, and perhaps a back pack to transfer items from the carry on, will suffice.
I do recommend investing in multiple toothbrushes, deodorant, and toothpaste. You will want to keep these in your bags at all times.

Do not, under any circumstances, ask to keep your toothbrush at someone's house. That is taking the "crashing for a couple nights" mentality, to a more permanent place, which could, quite frankly, scare people off from letting you stay. You need all the couches and options you can get, so be respectful and take your toiletries with you.

Deodorant, that is an obvious one, if you don't wear deodorant now, please start doing so. Everyone needs to, yes even you who is saying you don't. Seriously, just because you think you don't smell, doesn't mean this is true. Remember, you are not that trust fund baby on Haight Street.

Finally, toothpaste, I can't tell you how many times I have been burned by this one. People like some strange shit. Especially in LA, you're not going to open that medicine cabinet and find some good old fashioned crest. Oh no, you're most likely going to find some of the most disgusting organic, or nasty tasting baking soda shit. If you are saying to yourself right now "I like that stuff", you're lying. Go buy some colgate and thank me later.

This is some basic information to start with. We will get into difficult scenarios, and troubleshooting those scenarios later. For now, take some time to think about if you can deal with the foundation. Is couch surfing right for you?


  1. well.... its saturday and I feel let down as the last blog entry was on thursday?? are you without a couch, should I be worried? xo-m

  2. I have been traveling, it is essential to this lifestyle, you will read about it soon. My exploration of the blow up mattress. It will be fascinating.

  3. brava! love the blog. tom's toothpaste is the equivalent of getting a bikini wax with lye. as you were.
